Showing posts with label IT Article. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IT Article. Show all posts

Thursday, January 31, 2013

How to Easily Share Files With Google Docs

Posted by Unknown On 11:34 PM

Google Docs is a free online program that allows users to create documents, spreadsheets, presentations online. Documents created can be shared with other users to collaborate. This allows users to work together with other users, collaborate in working on documents, and save documents online for access anywhere and anytime. By using Google Docs, it quickly get responses from several people simultaneously and synchronously. The process of writing clearly seen, the changes made can be seen. In addition, Google Docs makes sharing of data, publication of documents to invite other users to view and edit or publish the document to be viewed publicly. Documents on Google Docs can be uploaded and downloaded to various file formats.

In Google Docs users can create various types of files, such as documents, spreadsheets, presentations, forms, and images. The following will explain the steps on how the user can create new documents, save, rename documents and upload documents using Google Docs.

The first time you open Google Docs page, a page like the picture shown above. On the left side of the page there is a button CREATE (Buat : Bahasa Indonesia). To create a new file, the user can press the button. When the button is pressed, it will pop up a menu that is used to determine what will be made by the user. There are several options, such as documents, presentations, spreadsheets, forms, drawing, and others. If the user wants to create files such as word documents, then the user can select the document. If users want to create a file for presentation, then the user can select the presentation. If users want to create a file such as excel spreadsheet, the user can select the spreadsheet. If the user selects Document, it will open a new page to create a document. Users can write what you want on the page. On this page, users can set the paper type, paper size, text color, and others. Users can make writing bold, italic, and underlined. Alignment writing can also be arranged.

Users can set the format of writing as can be done in Microsoft Office applications Word. The name of the document can be filled in accordance with the wishes. If you want to change the name of the document, click on the upper left, a window will appear to enter the file name.

If the name has been changed, the name of the document in the upper left it will automatically change. Any changes made by the user of the content of the document, it will automatically be saved. To further ensure, users can click the link labeled pulled "All changes saved in Drive" located on the top of the page. It is used to save the file.

For each type of file you want to create, the user aka taken to the desired page. In addition to documents, there is a spreadsheet, presentation, form, drawing, and others. Page page will be shown as the picture below.
In Google Docs, the files that have been created will appear on the home page Google Docs. On that page will display a list of files by name, file owner, and time the file was last modified. These files can be reopened and modified in accordance with the wishes. To open the desired file, click on the name of an existing file.

After the election, a new page will appear according to the selected file type. If the file type document, the current page is the page for editing the document. The contents of the document will be in accordance with the conditions of the last document storage.

One of the features that Google Docs is the ability of users to share their work with others. There are many options to do this. Users can access to the document, but other users can only read the document and make changes. Users can also provide access to other documents where users can work with the user to make changes. Users can see changes made by other users of the user's documents. For
collaborate on a document, other users who share documents with users must have a Google account. If not, other users can only view the
documents, can not make changes.

To share a document, the user can select the files to be shared. In the Google Docs home page, there is a list of files owned. Choose the files to be shared by checking the box on the selected files, as shown below. At the top, select More.

More are on the menu there are a lot of choices. Select the Share, then select Share. After that will pop up a window to enter another user who will receive this document. Users can control who can access the document. In the window there is a list of other users who can access the document. There are 3 types of access, the public on the web, anyone with the link, and private.

Each access type has its own properties, depending on the user needs the permissions of a document can be changed. For example, if a document is not intended for the public and
any confidential information it has access to the type of the document can be changed to "Public on the web". Here is an explanation for each type of access provided by Google Docs:

  • Public on the web

This type of access allows all internet users to find and access without the need to register with google and logging on to Google Docs. Should this type of access is used for documents that are public / general and not intended for any particular party.

1. Anyone with the link
This type of access is limiting only Internet users who have the link to the document can access the document. If the user has a link so the user does not need to log in to Google Docs to view or make changes to the document.

2. Private
This type of access is a kind of access to confidential, Google Docs where only certain users can have access to the document. The owner is the user that access Google Docs that have been given permission by the owner of the document to view or make changes to the document.

If the recipient's name is selected, the user can press the Share button to share access and save documents to the parties desired. If the user wants to cancel the access to the user can press the Cancel button. If the access settings are done, click the Done button, the user will return to the home page of Google Docs. To indicate if a document has access rights are owned by a user other than the owner of Google Docs dokimen hence the name of the document there will be a shared information, which indicates that the owner of the right of access to such documents is no longer just held by the owner of the document.

DropBox Application Secure Online Data Storage

Posted by Unknown On 10:56 PM

DropBox is a cloud computing application that provides a free online file storage services and are accessible through a variety of media, such as computers, laptops and smart phones. Files are uploaded to DropBox via one media will be accessible through any other media without any limitation and if necessary DropBox also provides the facility to share files desirable to others.

By leveraging the application DropBox file sharing no longer have to use a flash disk or via e-mail that can only be done if the file size under 5MB. Through DropBox, the desired file will be uploaded with no size restrictions, and if necessary, then the file can be distributed to the proper parties.

To be able to utilize all facilities owned by DropBox then the user must create an account first. At the time the application starts automatically DropBox user will be prompted to enter the data itself to create an account.

Users who have registered themselves will get the facility to save the file with a total size of 2GB. If the user wants more than 2GB then the user must pay a fee according to the size desired. Payments can be made using credit cards.

Data storage on DropBox can be done by uploading via the website belongs DropBox or by synchronizing the folder called 'DropBox' link located on the user's computer with our DropBox account.

While DropBox is already installed on the user's desktop DropBox will automatically set up a folder to be synchronized periodically. These folders are by default named 'Dropbox' accompanied by a pictorial icon on the bottom right of the checkbox.

Icon will change according to the conditions of synchronization, where the unfinished folder sync the icon will turn blue with two arrows in it. Once completed then the icon will change to green with a checkmark (thick) in dalamya.

Another way to store files on DropBox is to upload files via, to be able to upload the user must first login. If the login was successful then the user will be taken to the main menu from DropBox.

In the main view of dopbox will display a list of files that we have uploaded, the file also includes files that we upload to the way sinkrosisasi folder on your PC. If the user wants to upload a file then at the top right there will be an icon pictorial paper is accompanied by blue arrows.
Icon is useful to take the user to a web page that serves to upload files. In addition there is also a icon upload another icon (mentioned in the order from left to right) are:

1. New Folder
New Folder will serve to create a new folder that can be used to
classify files owned by the user.

2. Share Folder
Share Folder is useful to share the folder selected by the user to the public. Share This Folder will be discussed further in the next section.

3. Show Deleted Items
Show Deleted Items will list all files ever deleted by the user, this is to prevent the elimination of errors by users. Files that have been deleted can be restored to the original folder.

When the upload button is selected the DropBox will prompt the user to choose which files you want to upload. If users want to upload more than one file so the files can be uploaded at the same time.

During the upload process, DropBox will show upload progress that has been executed. Estimated time required will also be shown at the bottom, when users feel annoyed then there is also the 'hide' to hide status. All newly uploaded files will be indicated with a blue background on the item.

Sharing Files on DropBox can be done in two ways, the first way is through the desktop by choosing the option 'Share Folder'. While the second way is to create a shared DropBox folder via the web site. Both methods require email verification to ensure that the file is to share the account owner. Here is an explanation of each way.

DropBox folder located on the desktop has several options that enable users to share the files. The first way is to select the option 'Share This Folder "that will appear when a DropBox folder on right click.

If the option 'Share This Folder "is selected then the user will be taken to a web page from DropBox and asked to enter the e-mail users who are allowed to have access to the folder. If the other user does not yet have an account DropBox then the user will receive an invitation to use DropBox.

In addition the user can choose who has access, DropBox also provides message at the time of sharing folders, so that the receiver can determine the purpose of file sharing. This feature is optional so that if the user does not need to feel the message does not need to be filled.

The second way is to select the option 'Share Link' option can also be used if the user just wanted to make sharing on a file only. When the option is selected then the user will be taken to a web page from DropBox and asked to enter a user's email is allowed to have access to the same folder as the "Share This Folder"

The difference between the "Share This Link" with the option "Share This Folder" is on file with the option. A folder will be able to share both ways but can only do a file-sharing with the "Share This Link". Besides the "Share This Link" will also automatically display the shared files, not shaped folder. Another difference is that the links are found on the "Share This Link" can be sent also to nonpengguna DropBox.

The user has the features to make sharing files via the DropBox website, but to be able to use this feature the user is required to log in first. On the main menu, there is a list of activities that can be carried by the user which one of them is sharing.

After sharing menu is selected the user will be given the option of whether the user wants to create a new folder to be shared or the user wants to select one of the existing folders to be shared.

If the user chooses to create a new folder, the folder is exactly what will be shared and the user must enter the files you want into the shared folder. But if the user selects one of the folders that the user will be asked to choose one of the existing folders.

Once the desired folder is selected the user will be prompted for the name is accompanied by the message recipient's email (optional). At this stage of the process will run together by sharing files on the desktop.

Another way is to establish a link to a file / folder you want to select. The establishment of this can be done simply by selecting icons link located on the right files / folders on DropBox.

All Links are ever created by users will be accommodated menu "Link". All these links can be assigned to users and non-users DropBox.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Viruses Come from Antivirus Creator

Posted by Unknown On 9:18 PM
Jakarta - There is an assumption that computer viruses are made by anti-virus manufacturers themselves, is it? How do you respond?

Answer [Vaksincom]:
This is one of the most frequently asked questions. When viewed from the side of the business where the antivirus manufacturers benefit financially from protecting computers from virus infections of course a lot of people would think that the manufacturer is concerned antivirus virus spread
order merchandise sold.

Something like that are often thought of by computer users who might be affected by the intrigues in the soap opera or telenovela. Fortunately the patients treated at the clinic 24 hours is not much that has this kind of thinking, because it might otherwise many doctors who were beaten because they spread the disease so that he gets the patient.

In answer to questions like these we actually have a dilemma, if you answered yes, we can immediately accosted by the authorities for spreading the virus is both illegal and don'ts
by good citizens.

Conversely, if it is not answered, the questioner may be thinking to himself: "Days like this where no thief admit".

So that objective, we can see the fact that the virus Top was captured by the authorities in the world (unfortunately in Indonesia that caught it is not the virus, but the actual breaker KPU server kindly want to show weakness in server systems KPU).

Top 5 world virus makers are caught by the authorities is not one who has a relationship with the maker of antivirus and antivirus manufacturers absolutely no reward or support to manufacturers
this virus.

1. David L. Smith, who made the Melissa virus in 1999 was captured by the FBI and was sentenced to 20 months in prison and fined $ 5,000 by the court and is not shown to have any connection with antivirus manufacturers.

2. Onel De Guzman, Filipino programmer who made the Lovebug virus (I Love You) as the eventual thesis (which was rejected).

3. Jan De Wit, virus makers Annakournikova in 2001 was 20-year-old young man who immediately surrender himself to the authorities after and was surprised to learn the extent of loss caused by virus product.
Funny thing is, respect for Jan De Wit is coming from the mayor "Sneek", the area where Jon De Wit live in the Netherlands and he got a job offer and awards. Instead, manufacturers Sophos antivirus as it opposes tribute to Jon De Wit.

4. Sven Jaschan, Sasser and Netsky virus makers that resulted in paralysis in many banking systems in the world (the virus is most likely inspired by Skynet from the Terminator movies).
German is a boy genius who turned out to be sorry to see the amount of damage caused by viruses buatannyadan identified precisely when the virus is spreading more of his parents that aims to reduce the damage caused by the virus creation.

5. Simon Vallor who create viruses kart, Redesi-B and Admire the spread in 2001 was unemployed and had been arrested in 2003 and had its day in jail for 20 months in prison.

In fact, many virus writers who hated the antivirus because it assumes that the antivirus blocking or destroying their work and it is evident as the action like Sality virus that does block access to antivirus sites on all the infected computer.

Click Viruses Come from Antivirus Creator to download the article in Bahasa Indonesia.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wifi Will Increasingly Fast 100X Fold

Posted by Unknown On 7:04 AM

San Francisco, USA - Accessing the Internet via Wi-Fi networks will be faster with the latest Wi-Fi technology developed by Marvell chipset manufacturers that took the company from Israel, Wilocity. They worked together to develop tri-band WiFi chipset that can operate in the spectrum of 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 60 GHz.

Well, as quoted from Business Insider, Wednesday (25/07/2012), 60 GHz is the frequency spectrum is used as the standardization of new technologies 802.11ad Wifi which will be offering download speeds of 7 Gbps, even in the most dense network though.

With a speed of 7 Gbps, it is 100 times faster than the fastest access to the technology that we take for granted today Wifi. New chipsets for Wi-Fi technology is projected to be available from next year.

Marvell Technology Group itself is a chipset manufacturers operating in the United States but is established by the people of Indonesia, Sehat Sutardja.

Click DOWNLOAD to read the article in Bahasa Indonesia.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Untethered jailbreak for all A4 devices running iOS 5.0.1 has been released. With this tool you can perform a jailbreak on A4 processor-based iDevices which includes iPhone 4, 3GS, iPod touch 3G/4G and iPad 1. Keep in mind that the iPad 2 and iPhone 4S can not use this firmware.

Here are the steps to jailbreak A4 devices:

- For users who have been using tethered jailbreak iOS 5.0.1:

If the A4 device are you using now has tethered jailbreak using Redsn0w, Ac1dSn0w or Sn0wbreeze, then you need to do is run Cydia from Springboard and downlaod 'Corona' which will provide you with an untethered jailbreak.

- For users who still use the stock iOS 5.0.1:

1. Download Redsn0w for Mac or Windows.

2. Run Redsn0w, click on 'Jailbreak' and tick 'Install Cydia'. Follow the instructions on the screen to bring your device into DFU mode.

3. Wait for Redsn0w to apply the full untethered jailbreak. Once completed, the iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch will reboot and has been in an untethered jailbreak mode.

Click DOWNLOAD to read the article in Bahasa Indonesia.

Friday, November 30, 2012

To make it easier for its customers, Pertamina finally launched an application that can be used across multiple OS like BlackBerry, iOS and Android.

The application will provide important information about Pertamina, ranging from fuel prices, gas station locations and other information that is claimed Pertamina will allow users and users with Pertamina closer.

Some important information is meant;
  1. Info gas station closest to your current location (using GPS features on smartphones).
  2. Info fuel price special Pertamax, Pertamax Plus and Pertamina DEX.
  3. Information about Pertamina news, short stories and events Pertamina.
  4. Info promo from Pertamina.

By installing this application on your phone, then you do not need to be confused when your personal vehicle runs out of fuel. This application is provided free of charge and available for BlackBerry, iOS and Android. To download, please click here.

Click DOWNLOAD to read the article in Bahasa Indonesia.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Tips on Choosing Android Mobile

Posted by Unknown On 7:08 AM
The development of the Android operating system to date quite rapidly, even Operating System Android dominate the market by 30% over the period of time that is not too long and leave some Smartphone Operating System available in the world market today such as IOS, Windows Phone, Balackberry, Symbian and so on.

This is because the android system adheres to open or so-called Open Source which allows users could android-fiddle with, alter or modify the software. Not to mention how much support the vendors and application developers continue to improve the performance of android smartphone.

Until today there are more than 500 thousand applications available on Android Market that can be downloaded for free while some are paid but there are still very affordable. Not only that, the vendor was as if - as if racing the race to bring products ranging from the lower classes (low end), medium (midle end) and upscale (hight end) so we can easily choose which one we want a smartphone according to desire and
our bags .... hehehehe

Now this is pretty much smsrtphone android or Android tablet that we can choose. Hannya If we want to try Android, it does not have to buy an expensive, because of all the features and benefits can be found on the Android phone or Android tablet at a low price because of the striking differences between smsrtphone  ndroid tablet or expensive with the cheap is located on ability to run heavy applications or games, then the difference enhancements like screen, camera, speaker quality, etc.. it means we can choose according to their individual needs. If the aim is only to chat, browsing, access to email and social networking, then we do not need to buy an expensive, because of the cheap had been able to do things - things above.

In the market, Android smartphone or tablet PC is currently available varied, ranging from 1 million (low end) to 5 million (hight end) even brand and the model was quite a lot. When about two or three years ago smart phones (smartphones) is controlled by the brand global brands, but with the Android operating system, local brand names odd and we have not heard even chimed issued tablet or smart phone that uses the Android operating system.

With so many brands of smartphones android course this will beneficial for prospective buyers or Android phone fans, because with the increasing number of manufacturers that produce gadgets Android, then even more diverse selection ranging from models, specifications and prices are increasing affordable, but sometimes many choices android smartphone will confuse potential buyers. But do not worry, I'll give you some tips on how to choose and buy or Android smartphone, good listening:

Most people are very fanatical Indonesia will be a brand. Even they do not care if the phone has good specs its brand is not that important or famous, this is what it would plunge them because of the expensive brands do not necessarily have high performance. Though local brands present a cheaper price with abundant features anyway. However, most users are still hesitant with quality and after-sales.
Whether or not the local smartphone to buy depends on many things: An essential component that affects the performance of Android phones such as the processor, graphics card (GPU), etc. which basically are generally not made by the manufacturer or vendor of the phone itself, but the third-party vendor to purchase example is the processor makers such as Qualcomm. This means for local Android has a great specification, the performance will not be lost and can compete with well-known brands.
Because the processor and hardware components used or offal used in local brands similar to those used by well-known brands. But some people sometimes brand is not important, the important thing right look and performance, and service centers that support clear. So, the choice is in your hands.

Operating System (OS) used
Operating System Android has undergone an update, so far Android has, among others: Version 1.5 Cupcake, 1.6 Donut, 2.1 Eclair, 2.2 Froyo (frozen yogurt), 2.3 Gingerbread, 3.0 Honeycomb version (which is more used to the Android Tablet that use more screens large) and the latest version of Android called Ice Cream sandwich (version 2.4). so if want to buy Android tablet or phone, buy the most are not already using a minimal operating system Froyo (version 2.2). because this version is quite stable and has advantages over previous versions, but it's better when it's used on the 2.2 Froyo version that promises better performance and stability.

There are still lots of people buying smartphones that will ignore the performance of the processor, but the processor is the most important part of a smartphone device that is the brain of the mobile phone. The faster processor is used, the more responsive in running Android applications. Processor typically used on Android phones to lower middle class generally speed 600 MHz s / d 800 MHz, while for the secondary phone (hight end) speed 1 GHz single-core and even dual core and quad core. This means that the higher the speed of the processor, the better performance

Maybe for some people that is not a hobby or do not like Game, GPU (Graphic Processing Unit) is not too important, but for the hobby games, this GPU is very important because it is the component that functions for image processing or graphics. Android phones have a GPU can run many applications using a visual display or a 3D game much better than phones that do not have a GPU. Even in general, who do not have the HP Android GPU can not run 3D games well, if it can be extremely slow and heavy. Most smartphones on the market (low end type) is a type of Adreno 200 or PowerVR SGX 530. For high end phones usually use GPU Adreno 205, PowerVR SGX 540 or NVIDIA GeForce (NVIDIA Tegra). For those of you who like the Android mobile game, which has been recommended to use a minimum GPU Adreno 200 or PowerVR SGX530.

RAM Capacity
RAM (Random Access Memory) is also very important because it relates to the performance of Android phones. The bigger the RAM is used, the better the performance of a mobile, especially when doing multi tasking or open multiple applications simultaneously. RAM capacity that is commonly used is 128 MB, 256 MB, 512 MB and 1 GB. For mobile phones that use 128 MB of RAM is usually a little bit slower when used for multi-tasking, and that which has a capacity of 256 MB RAM up much more stable. So we have to be more observant in determining the capacity of the existing RAM in smartphones that we will buy

The type and screen size
Screen smartphones on the market varies from the type and size. The larger the screen size, the more relieved to display files and comfortable in using the keyboard (keyboard) virtual. But the wide screen size alone is not enough to be a consideration, because in addition to size, which must be considered is the type of the screen itself. This type of display used on a smartphone or tablet PC there are two types: resistive and capacitive. Capacitive screens are sensitive to touch (skin), while the resistive screen less sensitive to touch, so users have to do a bit of emphasis on the screen to operate the resistive type screen. In this case it is suggested that choosing a capacitive screen because it is more sensitive and more convenient to use

Although not a major feature, but the presence of cameras on mobile enough added value on a smartphone, we can jeprat snap if there is an important moment when the holidays as a family. When choosing a camera phone that has particularly try auto focus feature, because with this feature the camera can automatically adjust the focus according to the distance of the object in which you want a photo, with
so the shots will be more focused and better results.

Internal memory capacity

In this sector must also be examined, karenan small internal memory will limit you to install additional applications from third parties. For that before buying a smartphone first ask how much internal memory embedded in mobile phones, means that the greater the capacity of the internal memory from an Android phone it will be more good, because with the large internal memory means we can even more to install additional applications to enhance performance smartphone.

Physical Keyboard
The majority of Android smartphones or tablets using full touch screen, but there are some types that use a physical keyboard. If you are unfamiliar or uncomfortable typing paper using a virtual keyboard on the touch screen then you should choose an Android phone has a physical keyboard or a QWERTY candybar form, but the type that is rare on the market and only a few types just like samsung galaxy M pro or Motorolla Charm.

Battery Capacity

Android Smartphone is a mobile phone battery is a very voracious, it is influenced by the high embedded processor that affect the durability batrei. Coupled with the number of installed applications make smartphones become wasteful. To anticipate this look for mobile phones that have a large capacity battery or install applications as needed and remove any unnecessary applications. For capacity batrei average - the average is 1200 mAh s / d 1650 mAh. So the higher the better because the battery capacity is not very frequent charge.

Network Telephone
For those of you who frequently access the internet, email and social networking required to pay attention to this issue. We recommend that before buying Android phones, make sure the telephone network, whether you buy Android phones already support 3G connection or not. If the specs that are listed in the WCDMA mobile phone, it can be ascertained that the mobile phone is a GSM phone has support 3G connections with faster access. Since there are several mobile phones on the market that only supports 2.5 G only or commonly called EDGE speed is still under 3G.

Click DOWNLOAD to read the article in Bahasa Indonesia.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Test Windows 8 on ARM Platform is Running Success

Posted by Unknown On 10:20 PM
Windows 8 was able to operate with a very impressive and stable when tested using chips from ARM, a source told CNET that it will get into the hands of developers in February months ago. "In October of last year, plans on Windows 8 on ARM platform was alarming to the industry because of the trial results showed that it is still unstable. But the results of a pilot now seems to have appeared stable results. We have not heard anything about this information from Microsoft, but its hardware partners who tell them information about the results of this trial. We have also been promised something in February, "said one of the sources told CNET.

Even more encouraging, if you could see one of the Windows 8 device that uses chips from Intel at CES 2012 a few weeks ago, the device will be much cheaper a few hundred U.S. dollars when using chips from ARM, despite using the same specification completeness . "With the ultrabook (which uses chips from Intel), then you will popularize the idea that you have a device with a design that is much lighter, burning much faster and last longer (saving energy). But you'll also find all of these advantages when using Windows 8 on ARM, plus the price will also be much cheaper. This obviously will increase the competition between ARM to Intel, "the source said.

The source also believes that the release of Windows 8 on ARM will not be much different with the release of Windows 8 device that uses the Intel platform. But it is personal opinion, not leaked from Microsoft. While the other sources believe that Windows 8 on ARM platform will present late when compared to Windows 8 release schedule from Intel.

Windows 8 is predicted to be the most important upgrade OS from Microsoft after Windows 3.0, and this is the first mainstream OS from Microsoft will be able to operate on chips from Intel / AMD and from ARM. Three major supplier ARM chip is Texas Instruments, Qualcomm, and Nvidia; another source said that Windows 8 is rumored to be capable of operating stably at least two ARM platform, whether the result of one another ARM platform.

For this moment, the benefits of Intel than there seems to be a factor ARM legacy application. CNET source said that he still did not know the plan will be a legacy application to a third party for Windows 8 on ARM platform. What is clear, some Metro apps that Microsoft demo will also be available on Windows 8 on ARM because most applications are based on HTML5, Microsoft itself certainly did not want to be embarrassed when the release ARM-based platform if only accompanied by a limited number of applications. As usual, Microsoft declined to comment on rumors of the development of Windows 8 on ARM's.

Click DOWNLOAD to read the article in Bahasa Indonesia.


Posted by Unknown On 10:02 PM
Since thousands of years ago, space has become a main attraction for people on earth. Triggered a major human curiosity about the sky, causing the knowledge of the space growing up can be applied practically. In fact, on a deeper level, it can predict the future of mankind.

At the present time, the vast sky is still the main attraction most people on earth. In Indonesia, it is seen by the people so enthusiastic to see the various celestial phenomena that occur. The closest is the lunar eclipse that occurred on June 16, 2011. Millions of people in Indonesia are willing to not sleep all night just to witness the phenomenon of obstruction in the shadow of the earth.

For those who like to observe celestial objects, it seems necessary to try planetarium software on this one. Stellarium name suggests, is a computer application that presents the movement of celestial bodies in the Earth observer.

Stellarium reason must be installed on the computer people who like to observe celestial bodies, because the application shows the real sky (sky realistic) in three dimensions in real time (real time).
Amazingly, this application can display the positions of celestial bodies can not be seen by the naked eye, binoculars, or a telescope.

How to use it was quite easy. Once installed onto a computer, users simply specify the city or live observation of the position of celestial bodies. And in an instant, he could see the celestial objects that exist in the region wants.

Stellarium itself was developed by a French programmer named Fabien Chereau. He launched this project in the summer of 2001. Stellarium is developed under the GNU General Public License. This makes the software has source code (source code) is open (open source) and free (free) used by anyone for any purpose. Not just for Linux users only, this software can also be run on Windows and Mac OS.

In May 2006, the project was declared a Project of The Month (Month Project) by SourceForge, a site developer software Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). In the same year, won the award for Stellarium Education category in a competition-free applications (free software) titled Les Trophées du Libre.

Features Stellarium
There are many diverse features that can be sampled in Stellarium. For the features of the sky, there are more than 600 thousand stars contained in the Hipparcos catalog and Tycho-2 catalog. Hipparcos itself stands for High Precision Parallax Collecting Satellite (Satellite High Precision Pengkoleksi parallax), a project of the European Space Agency's (European Space Agency - ESA) for the measurement of parallax and proper motion stars. While the Tycho-2 is part of the Hipparcos satellite that collects star with a low level of precision.

Another additional feature sky catalog of 210 million stars. In addition, there are also asteroids and constellations of 10 illustrations of world culture, from Nebula Messier catalog, the Milky Way (Milky Way), fitted well with the atmosphere, sunrise and sunset are real, and the planets in the solar system along with their satellites .

In addition, there are also features such as visualization of the equator, longitude and latitude, flashing star, shooting star, eclipse simulation and landscape or terrain where the observer is located.

While manager Basic (Basic Control) has a function for magnification (zoom), looking around the 360-degree rotation, which could advance the timing, rewind, and speed up time, and store the location of observation.

Running Stellarium
To use Stellarium, first install the application to the user's computer. The trick, click Stellarium- file, follow the instructions provided on the screen, and the application is ready for use. Previously, this application can be downloaded (download) for free at the site As for the minimum computer specifications required, at least 256 MB of RAM. However, 1 GB of RAM is required if you want to display a larger star catalog.

Once installed, run Stellarium and wait until the main screen opens. In the bottom left, there is a description of the place of observation, observation position, date and time of observation, and the number of frames that are presented for one second (FPS - Frame Per Second). When the mouse (mouse) is directed at the bottom left corner of the screen, the menu will appear Stellarium.

Menus that appear horizontally, load line display option in the left, and the line speed at the right time. While the menu that appears vertically loading the application configuration, such as the observation location, date and time of observation, the number of celestial bodies are displayed, the search for celestial objects, basic settings, and assistance.

To start the observation of celestial bodies, can by using the four arrow keys available on the keyboard (the keyboard). As for the zoom in and object of observation, can use the Page Up and Page Down.

When using the mouse (the mouse), the observation of the sky can be a way to shift the mouse in the direction
desired. As for the zoom in and zoom out, use the scroll button in the middle and putarkanlah mouse forward or backward.

If you want to observe celestial objects that have a name, just find in the Search menu.
The search results will lead us to the question of celestial bodies. So that allows us to observe the movements and changes in the object.

In version 0.10.6 which is the latest release of Stellarium, Indonesian language is the language of face-to-face (interface) and language assistance. That allows users to operate in Indonesia. To view information and the use of a more detailed, can access guidance notes (guide) contained in the official website Stellarium. Congratulations peek space.

Installing Stellarium
If you are using Linux operating system, you can find the application on the Software Center, Packet Manager, or you can install it through the terminal by typing "sudo apt-get install Stellarium".

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Smart Bin, Trash Can with LCD Display

Posted by Unknown On 11:05 AM
Who says only owned LCD smartphone? Now the trash can have it. Yup, you can call him by the name of Smart Bin. This smart bins appeared in the city of London. So, why is called Smart Bin?

Typically, recycling bins are set to ask us to separate waste into different types, such as plastic, glass, paper and others. But Smart Bin appear different from the dual-screen LCD display. And the great, the trash is integrated with a variety of technologies.

Smart Bin with integrated Wi-Fi connectivity, so it is quite reasonable if the British government may have plans to actually turn it into a wireless hotspot to the public. This screen will display the news from economists and stock prices.

Currently there are only 25 units of Smart Bin placed throughout the city. However, the government plans to put 75 units of other smart bins, and are expected to be realized before 2012 London Olympics take place. In addition to London, the Smart Bin is also reportedly going to debut in other metropolitan cities, such as New York, Singapore and Tokyo.

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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Skype Comes in Indonesia Mobile Network

Posted by Unknown On 4:06 PM
Skype is generally used by users who access the Internet via a computer. Skype, an application that allows users to make voice and video calls over the Internet, is now officially able to run on mobile telecommunications networks. Previously, the method of Voice over IP-based communications that bloom only used in cable-based Internet connection.

In Indonesia, the first mobile telecommunications operator that allows users to utilize the Skype service on its network is Telkomsel. The operator has ekerjasama with Skype software allows it run optimally in their network.

"In Indonesia, 45 percent accessed the Internet via mobile devices their activities," said Herfini Haryono, Director of Planning and Development, Telkomsel. "For that, we would like to make a regular Skype users utilize it ayanan via computer, to be able to do it through the phone," she said.

From the side of Skype, the company was assessing the rapid growth of Internet users hususnya mobile Internet users make Indonesia a potential very attractive. "Currently there are about 170 million Skype users per month, and we see Indonesia as a tremendous opportunity," said Dan Neary, Vice President and General Manager of International Skype.

Cooperation between the two companies allows Skype software is used on a variety of multiplatform smartphone, such as Symbian, Android and Blackberry, so that customers in Indonesia can have conversations via Skype everywhere (mobile).

"In terms of infrastructure, we've been working with Skype in order to communicate using Skype can run optimally on our network," said Herfini. "The service has been created specifically presented to Telkomsel's network," she said.

Currently users in Indonesia has been able to take advantage of Skype over 24 smartphone models released by Samsung, RIM, Nokia and LG. In the near future, Telkomsel is promised to expand the service to other phones based on J2ME. The data packet rates charged for these services is Rp25 thousand per month.

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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Create Android Apps in 5 Steps

Posted by Unknown On 3:27 PM
The title of the article above is true. You can create your own applications in 10 minutes or 5 steps. The main requirement: You must have a blog. This means that Android app that will create is an application-feeder for your blog. How do? Immediately to

  • Sign up and create your account.

  • Login and enter your feed Feed Settings.

  • If you would like to upload pictures / photos / images and change colors please go to the menu Appearance.

  • Generate feeder Android app for your blog by hitting Android and wait a few minutes. After you finish downloading your APK files.

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RIM CEO Admits Apple and Google Won

Posted by Unknown On 7:49 AM
Investor complaints have been answered by the ouster of RIM's co-founders Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis, and replace it with a CEO, Thorsten Heins, on 23 January. Besides RIM also announced the Barbara Stymiest as the Chairperson of the board.

After the announcement of the new CEO of RIM stock plummeted by 13% increasing. Thereafter the press Heins said that as the new CEO he will make changes at RIM's body. Because of the promise that RIM shares then gradually improved.

Through an interview with CNBC, Heins said that RIM is already far behind its competitors, especially in the American market. "Painful. It is painful for me to see RIM losing market share in the U.S., "Heins me. "There's a paradigm shift, and unfortunately we did not follow the change. I realized we had made a mistake but I'm sure I'm here to fight for RIM. "Mastery of Apple and Google when combined showed 75.6% in the U.S. smartphone market. That figure is shown in the three months to November 2011 while RIM's stock fell by 16.6% as reported by market research agency comScore.

The spirit to be able to continue to compete owned Heins that is what investors. At CNBC Heins said, "We want to stop these wounds."

In a different interview, Heins reveals the CrackBerry site that changes in body RIM is going on and that RIM is currently focusing on her own strength. "There are so many changes. Many changes in the corporate structure, changes in software, software platforms including QNX bring to our products. Nothing says "stay put" at RIM. What I want to explain to the market is that we believe in our strengths. We are BlackBerry, we are an integrated solution, hardware, software, and network services. "

Heins also assured that RIM knows its position in a highly competitive market. He explained that RIM had a team in charge of testing the products belonging to the competitors. He himself also tested Apple's iPhone, Android smartphones and other mobile phones. Lack RIM so far is on the features and elements to support the actual user experience is critical to the success of a platform.

With such confidence, Heins mampukan make the BlackBerry back ogled consumers, particularly in the USA? We look forward with.

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Information and Communication Technology is a combination of two technologies, namely Information Technology and Communication Technology. Information Technology is a combination of computer technology and communication technology while the load information is synonymous with telecommunications technology.

In this article discussed sundry about information and communication technology (ICT). Discussion grouped by common areas in ICT that can be seen from the aspect of management (management) of these areas. The area is Operation Management, Application Management, Network & Data Communications Management, Capacity Management, Performance Management, Availability Management, Problem Management, System Management, Security Management, Continuity Management, Change Management, Financial Management, Project Management, Risk Management, Compliance Management, Quality Management, Service Level Management, Strategic Management.

Although there are areas in IT can be grouped into the management area as above, but the amount or number of units of organization / work there do not need that much but a little. Here is an example of an existing unit with IT management areas that could or usually covered:

Operation Unit
Operation Management, Availability Management, Problem Management, Change Management, Continuity Management

Application Development Unit
Application Management

System Management Unit
System Management, Network & Data Communications Management, Capacity Management, Performance Management

System Security Unit
Security Management, Risk Management, Compliance Management, Quality Management

Project Management Unit
Project Management

Service Management Unit
Financial Management, Service Level Management, Strategic Management

The discussion in detail for each area that is in IT are as follows:

Operation Management
In the world of ICT, Operations Management is a very important area and is at the heart
of the overall ICT within an organization. It should be a very thorough, detailed and has a very high discipline to be able to manage this area. Every job needs to be regulated everything in detail and measurable. People who deal with this area needs to have a very high leadership.
Within this area are not too many standards or best practices that can be used as guidance in managing this area. Less is more reasonably refer to the principles of management in general.

Application Management
Areas of Application Management including most areas have a variety of methodologies, standards and guidelines, because of the area of ​​Application Management was the main product produced by a collection of area IT computer programs that run the system. In the manufacture of computer programs used a variety of methodologies, such as the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle), OOP (Object Oriented Program), Structure Programming and so on.
In the application development process, there are three main components, namely Software Engineering, Software Project Management and Software Assurance. Through a combination of all three is a good or bad a system generated.

Problem Management

Capacity Management
Capacity Management is a combination of Capacity Planning with Performance Management.
Is it true?
Sometimes people just questioning or talking just about Capacity Planning, do you often hear the question: "Does your company have done Capacity Planning ?" As if the Capacity Planning is a stand alone, but should apply the provisions of the Capacity Planning will be optimally successful if accompanied by
Performance Management activities.
Event Capacity Management aims to optimize performance and efficiency, and to make a financial investment-related planning. Capacity management is related to:
• Monitoring the performance and throughput or load on a server, server farm, or property
• Performance analysis of measurement data, Including analysis of the impact of new releases on capacity
• Performance tuning of activities to Ensure the most efficient use of existing infrastructure
• Understanding the demands on the Service and future plans for workload growth (or shrinkage)
• Influences on demand for computing resources
• Capacity planning - developing a plan for the Service

Definition of Capacity Management in ITIL V.3 is: [Design Service] The Process responsible for Ensuring that the Capacity of IT Services and the IT Infrastructure is Able to deliver agreed Service Level Targets in a Cost Effective and timely manner. Capacity Management considers all Resources required to deliver the IT Service, and plans for short, medium and long-term Business Requirements.

Network & Data Communications Management

Availability Management
Availability Management existence is usually closer to the Help Desk so the management
could be in the work unit Help Desk. Unit Help Desk usually work under Operation unit.

Problem Management
Problem Management existence is usually closer to the Help Desk so that management can
unit is in the Help Desk. Unit Help Desk usually work under Operation unit.

System Management
Management of the operating system from the mainframe, server, desktop

Security Management
ISO 27000

Continuity Management

Change Management

Financial Management

Project Management

Quality Management
Function Quality Management will determine the direction, stability and maturity of IT. Because of the function of Quality managemnt was the concept of Quality Assurance and Quality Control are applied. In the area of ​​Quality Management Quality Assurance functions or personnel should be, while the functions of Quality Control implementation is delegated to the existing IT processes.

Strategic Management
The main task of the Strategic Management function is to create, manage and monitor the implementation of IT Srategic Plan.

Standard or Best Practices IT
There is a wide range of standard or existing IT best practices. Standards or best practices applicable and widely known in IT is like COBIT, SDLC, ITIL, ISO 27000, ISO 38500, NIST, and so on.

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Receive Voice Message from Blog Using SpeakPipe

Posted by Unknown On 6:47 AM
Often use voice message service? Now you can apply it on your website or blog.SpeakPipe, a service that allows you to receive voice messages from the blog visitor. Like what does it work?

This web application allows you to install the voicemail widget on the blog and receive audio messages from visitors in a matter of minutes. To be able to apply SpeakPipe, you do not need any HTML or coding knowledge.

All you have to do is choose a blogging platform and copy-paste HTML code. For now SpeakPipe support for the WordPress blogging platform, Blogger, Tumblr, and Joomla. If you do not use these platforms, you can try the generic HTML code SpeakPipe to see if the code can work with your own platform.

Widgets can be customized to your site. You also can choose to display text on the button like the color, so it will perform according to your design. What buttons can also be customized, you can put it on the left, right, up or down. This button embedded on the page, even if the user scroll up or scroll down button will still be visible. Users can record and listen to the message before sending it to you, and these recordings can not be heard by anyone but you.

When a user sends a message, you will be notified via email that you used to sign up. Messages can be played on SpeakPipe inbox, where you can delete or download via computer, so if you use SpeakPipe to receive testimonials you can still share to your site. Each recording is limited to 5 minutes. While still in public beta, the service is offered free of charge and no storage limit, but once the site is officially launched, the user is required to pay to be able to enjoy the service.

SpeakPipe provide a quick and easy way for users to connect with their audience. It is also a way to receive a personal testimony that much more interesting than just plain text on the page. How, keen to try the experience of a voice message on your blog?

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Friday, November 23, 2012

Nvidia Answers Linux Founder's Middle Finger

Posted by Unknown On 3:25 PM
Jakarta - Linus Torvalds, the man behind the magnitude of the open source Linux operating system could excite a sense of annoyance against Nvidia with the middle finger. Now, turn the graphics card manufacturers are answering the action.

Some time ago Torvalds spoke at an open forum at Otaniemi, Finland. On the occasion, the 'father of Linux' had a chance to answer a question from a woman who claimed difficulty using Linux on his computer that uses Nvidia Optimus.

"Nvidia has been one of the worst problems we have with hardware manufacturers," said Torvalds. But shortly after saying that, the man who had just received the Nobel in the field of technology is raised middle finger to Nvidia.

Seeing harsh comments from the founder of Linux, Nvidia did not stay silent. Through its website, the largest manufacturer of graphics cards is answered diplomatically.

"We understand that some parties had requested detailed documentation on all of the information our GPU, or more actively in the discussion of the Linux kernel development community. But we have decided to support Linux in accordance with our structure, not the structure of Linux," Nvidia wrote, as quoted by detikINET on Friday (06/22/2012).

Yes, information leakage is the main reason for not releasing deriver Nvidia open source. Though this step is already done its main competitor AMD.

Furthermore, Nvidia Optimus explains that technology is only designed for Windows. Even so, they also said they would continue to support open source by actively participating in Open Source Project Bumblebee, a community developed Nvidia driver in Linux.

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MCIT Dreams Indonesia Internet as Fast as Korea

Posted by Unknown On 7:23 AM
Jakarta - Minister of Communication Tifatul Sembiring optimistic speed internet in all major cities in Indonesia next year could be as tight as internet access in South Korea. Sure?

"If the 3G, Wimax roads, and roads also LTE in 2013, speed in all major cities of Indonesia would like in Seoul. Fixed in 3G continues, not dropped down to EDGE," believes Tifatul in Jakarta.

MCIT Tifatul Sembiring : "a South Korean capital Seoul are always in the category as a city / country with the world's fastest internet access. MCIT confident Indonesia could also be heading there next year."

In 2013 or later, according to Tifatul, two additional blocks remaining at 2.1 GHz 3G which will be auctioned by the selection of a beauty contest can already be used by two of the five existing 3G operators. Kominfo is also reviewing additional refarming 3G at 900 MHz.

Then to increase internet speed with new technology, as well Kominfo revealed the adoption of Long Term Evolution (LTE) for mobile 4G will begin operation next year with a 2.3 GHz frequency ranges.

As is known, the frequency range was also occupied by a Wimax broadband wireless access. It is possible, the owner of the license in the 2.3 GHz Wimax can also apply for organizing LTE.

"Because it's not all the way Wimax. Telkom has even retreated and restore the license. If LTE way, WiMax operators also would want to follow, "said Tifatul.

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Leaked BBM Feature on BlackBerry 10

Posted by Unknown On 7:13 AM
Rumors BlackBerry 10 comes in two models and will be launched in October. Two models of the BlackBerry 10 is L-Series and N-Series. Today you can see how your BBM on the BlackBerry 10. You can see the theme used on the BlackBerry Messenger in the N-Series in pictures. From these images you can use themes to BBM and select a color combo, so you can tweak to your liking.

BlackBerry 10 users can also save battery life when using a darker theme. This image is just the beginning before RIM started to optimize BBM.

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Kindle Fire seems to be making summer the players who competed in the Android tablet market. Kindle Fire is cheap tablet from Amazon, using a modified Android. Amazon Kindle Fire has become the most popular tablet on the Android platform.

According to new data from comScore Inc, Kindle Fire was introduced in November last year when it stood at 29.4 percent. However, this figure jumped to directly market sharenya doubled within two months. And since February, the leader kindle fire Android Tablet with 54.4 percent and the rate is software from the Android system dominates the market.

The dominance of Amazon Kindle Fire Android Tablet Market

Kindle Fire tablet from Amazon has been dominating the Android tablet market, and far surpassed Samsung Galaxy Tab (15.4%), Motorola Xoom (7%), Asus Transformer (6.3%), Toshiba AT100 (5.7%), Acer Picasso (4.3%), Acer Iconia (2.1%) and others by Dell Inc., Lenovo. Group Ltd and Sony Corp.

In addition, many achievements Amazon Kindle Fire, because the price is much more affordable compared to the other competitors. Despite the affordable price that is offered to you, Kindle Fire is still equipped with adequate specifications and will pamper users.

Among such screen with 1024 × 600 resolution, 16 million colors, multi-touch, the Cortex-A9 dual-core 1GHz processor, TI OMAP 4430 chipset, and GPU PowerVR SGX540 graphics affairs. This combination is more than enough for the Kindle Fire. No wonder if this one is dominating the market and managed to outperform the other big names in the realm of Android tablets.

Well, if you are interested in using Amazon's Kindle Fire after knowing some kelebihanya? Quality low price mewahlah appropriate sentence for this latest android tablet.

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Surabaya - With the delivery of Mobil Pusat Layanan Internet Kecamatan (MPLIK) to all districts in Indonesia, the government hopes to end of 2014, Internet users in Indonesia can pass 80 million. while until now, netter country reached 50 million.

According to the MCIT Tifatul Sembiring, who is now encouraged MPLIK delivery to the entire district only as a form of socialization that private parties could proceed further.

"Internet users are now 50 million across Indonesia. We expect in 2014 rose to 80 million, of which MPLIK as our dissemination efforts on the community of the importance of current information. Due inforomasi that educate," he told reporters after sending off at Pier 64 MPLIK Navy Koarmatim ends on Tuesday (08/07/2012). 

Tifatul cited, such as the village of rings that have been done before. In the program, Kominfo only build a network by 50%, while 50% were built by the private sector. 

"So the mobile phone coverage is now 94% over Indonesia. But if covered mountain or building something else again," he said. 

In addition, PKS politician also revealed that won the tender MPLIK vendors, PT Telkom, can attract cost Rp 1,000-Rp 3,000 and required to provide training to the community on the internet and computers which are also stipulated in the employment contract. 

"But when I inaugurated MPLIK in Borneo bordering Malaysia, children were at the surf ace. But vendors still have and shall provide training," said Tifatul.

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